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Welcome Home.

We are a community of real people, real friends, connected by a real hope. We were designed to be in relationship both with God and each other. At Hope Chapel you’ll be ‘welcomed home’ to pursue a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. There is no better place to be connected, loved and energized to thrive.

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Meet Real People.

A few things we’ve learned are that Godly relationships provide care, support and consistency. We all long for things to be a bit more dependable because we live in an ever changing world. Make real friends that will “be there” and help you become the person God designed you to be.

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Make Real Friends

The bible says, ”A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” The number one dilemma facing us today is a growing sense of isolation. Having just one or two growing godly friends will make all the difference in the world to our sense of well-being and spiritual growth. We grow better together.

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Find Real Hope.

The bible is so powerful. There is no other book like it in the world. Each Sunday and through all of our points of connection for men, women, boys and girls the bible is core. The bible says that “faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Romans 10: 17. Each Sunday we teach right from the bible to find hope, help and increased faith for everyday living.

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Get in Touch

Our church is located on the south side of Hwy 12 about a mile east of Calistoga Road. Look for the yellow barn!

Service Times

Sunday Services 9:00am and 10:30am


Church Address 5680 Sonoma Hwy. Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Administrative Address 4983 Sonoma Hwy, Suite D, Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Phone 707.539.4673

Email hopesr@sonic.net